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Originally designed by Joseph Pilates as an at home exercise machine for city apartments tight on space, the Wunda Chair (also known as a Pilates Chair) has become an essential part of the modern day Pilates studios and is enjoyed by many of clients at Bend + Mend. The Wunda Chair is a compact and versatile piece of Pilates equipment designed to enhance strength, flexibility, and overall body awareness. Its unique design consists of a sturdy frame, a padded seat, split foot pedals, adjustable height handles and adjustable springs, providing resistance and support for various exercises.

From seated exercises that target the core to standing exercises that enhance balance and stability, the Wunda Chair allows you to perform a full-body workout with precision and control. Its adjustable springs allow you to modify resistance levels, accommodating beginners and advanced Pilates lovers.

Why incorporate the Pilates Wunda Chair in your next Pilates class? 

  • Core strength and stability — The chair’s design encourages activation of the deep abdominal muscles, promoting a strong and stable core. By engaging the core throughout various exercises, you can develop a balanced and well-supported body.
  • Improved flexibility and mobility — The Wunda Chair enables you to perform exercises that stretch and lengthen your muscles, increasing overall flexibility and range of motion. Regular use can alleviate muscle tension and improve joint mobility, allowing for greater ease of movement.
  • Enhanced balance and body awareness — The chair’s unstable surface challenges your balance, forcing you to engage smaller stabilising muscles. As a result, you’ll develop better perception, improving coordination and control in your daily activities.
  • Versatility and convenience — It can be seamlessly incorporated into your existing Pilates routine, adding variety and new challenges to keep you motivated and engaged.

Who is the Wunda Chair suitable for?

The Wunda Chair is appropriate for people recovering from injuries or those who have limitations. The split-pedal design makes them especially useful for rehabilitation or athletic training. Moving the split pedal with one hand or one foot safely challenges and targets the injured or weaker side, and you can perform extra reps on that side as well. The Wunda Chair is also a game-changer for pregnant women. Many of the exercises carry over from the Reformer, the difference being that they are performed in a seated or standing position rather than supine, which is contraindicated after the second trimester. These seated or standing exercises (using handles for balance) are appropriate at all stages of pregnancy and also feel wonderful.

Examples of Exercises on the Wunda Chair

  • Sitting Forward Leg Press
  • Leg Pump Forward Variations
  • Sitting Triceps and Shoulder
  • Forward Lunge
  • Stomach Pull Variations
  • Hamstring Curls/Bridging
  • Thoracolumbar spine +/- twist

Among many others!!

Tips for using the Wunda Chair

  • Always wait for instruction on using the chair
  • Take your time as you perform each move and get to know the chair
  • Pay attention to your breath
  • Engage your core during movements
  • Listen to your body — moves should feel challenging but never painful
  • If you are unsure of the proper technique for a move, need a modification, or have a question about using the chair, ask for help
  • Follow modifications as needed
  • Keep your movements precise, deliberate, and controlled
  • Have fun and keep trying!
Clodagh Gray

Clodagh completed a Bachelor of Physiotherapy at University College Dublin, Ireland and graduated with a first-class honours degree. She worked in both the private and public setting in Ireland for 2 years before relocating to Sydney to expand her career. Clodagh loves working with people of all ages and activity levels to help them overcome injuries, aches, and pains and to make sure they are feeling their best and healthiest version of themselves. She has worked with a diverse caseload including sports injuries, orthopaedic surgeries, chronic pain, paediatric and geriatric patients. Clodaghs approach to treating patients is evidence based with patient-centred goal setting to obtain optimal results for her patient’s specific needs.Clodagh is an APPI certified Pilates Instructor and believes that movement and exercise is medicine. She is passionate about holistic health and utilises a range of different treatment options to ensure her patients can enhance their movement, reduce pain and ultimately get back to what they love doing. She uses a combination of exercise prescription along with manual therapy and dry needling techniques for pain management, improving function, injury prevention and rehabilitation.

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