Our July Bend + Mend Patient of the month, Nancy Hsu, recently conquered an impressive 4 day Inca Trek.
From Nancy: Once I got over the excitement of booking (and paying) for my first South America trip, including a 4 day Inca trek, I had to turn my mind to getting ready for the hike of Inca trek. I am not a gym person, nor am I a disciplined person, so this was a rather difficult task. Then a thought came to mind – Pilates!! I had been going to Kellie’s Friday class for over a year now and the improvements I experienced were unbelievable. So for the 3 months prior to the trip, I attended back to back Pilates classes (Thur and Fri) with Kirsty and Kellie. They both knew about my upcoming trip and tailored my program to help with my preparation for the hike. My attempts to do early morning jogs/walks before work were a bit of a joke, and consequently, I was quite anxious when I got on the flight as I wasn’t sure if I had done enough preparation for the trek. To my surprise, I really enjoyed the trek, it was beautiful and my body held up very well; I didn’t feel many aches nor pains at all. A personal, heartfelt, big thank you to Kellie and Kirsty!
And From Kellie: Nancy has been coming to our Pilates classes since August 2014 and is always a pleasure to have in class. Her latest effort at conquering macho picchu injury-free was definitely a success story. We hope the extra classes she attended (and multiple sets of trapeze lunges and bunny hops) helped her through the trek! I look forward to helping her plan and prepare for her next adventure…