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What To expect From A Bend + Mend Workplace Ergonomic Assessment

For over 15 years Bend + Mend have been performing Ergonomic Workplace Assessments for businesses and individuals throughout the Sydney CBD and surrounding suburbs. Given our comprehensive understanding of musculoskeletal injuries and our central practice locations we see hundreds of workers suffering from injuries that are partly or wholly attributed to poor posture or incorrect workplace set-up.

The average work week in NSW is ~ 40 hours, however our conversations with patients reveal that many CBD workers spend longer than this at work. Unfortunately, it’s also not uncommon for people to spend a large proportion of their day sitting at their desks or in meetings. Not to mention the hours of travel to and from work and other sitting scenarios.

So, what are Ergonomic Workplace Assessments?

At Bend + Mend we offer two types of assessments to try and cater for the needs of both individuals and businesses.

  1. Individual/Full-service Workplace Assessments
  • Recommended for anyone with a musculoskeletal injury or for those who suffer discomfort with work tasks.
  • On-site consultation at the workplace for approximately 30 minutes. In this time we will discuss your past and current history, work role and duties and current concerns regarding ergonomic set-up. We will also assess your current work-set up and make immediate changes to help improve workplace ergonomics and reduce discomfort.
  • Detailed report with individual findings and recommendation. We will also provide suggestions for equipment, including chair, desks etc if necessary.
  • Follow-up after the assessment to ensure the changes are working well for you.
  1. Group/Streamline Assessments
  • An excellent way for businesses to be pro-active and help prevent of pain and discomfort in the workplace.
  • Designed to help groups (10 to 100+) of people without specific concerns, at reduced cost.
  • On-site consultation at the workplace for approximately 15 minutes per person.
  • Report outlining any changes made at the time of the assessment and any future recommendations.

Both of the above assessments can be a valuable tool in managing and preventing injuries for your workers and yourself. These assessments are performed by qualified Physiotherapists who have experience with workplace ergonomics as well as actively treating these concerns in the clinic.

We would love to help you and your team improve your office ergonomics! Please contact us at Bend + Mend via email or phone for further information or booking enquiries.

Bend + Mend

Bend + Mend has been providing Sydney’s CBD with Physiotherapy and Pilates services since 2003. We have 4 great locations in Martin Place, Barangaroo, Darling Park and Circular Quay, all with private rooms and specialised one-on-one care. We also have Sydney CBD’s best-loved Physios who have helped over 10,000 people recover from pain and injury.

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