Thrush for a lot of people is something that is best left unsaid. It is one of those things that people generally aren’t comfortable talking about and therefore some people don’t completely understand what it is and how it can be treated. Thrush is a yeast-based infection usually caused by overgrowth of ‘Candida Albicans’ Yeast.
Common Symptoms Include:
– Thick, white discharge
– Itching or burning sensation vaginally
– Stinging or burning sensation whilst urinating
– Pain with intercourse
– Splits in the vaginal skin
Approximately 75% of women at some point will experience episodic Thrush and approximately 5-8% of women will experience recurrent Thrush. Usually treatment consists of ‘Canestan’ or ‘Diflucan’. However, research tells us that only 1/3 of women taking over the counter topical and oral medication actually have thrush. This is a problem because overuse of these medications can lead to pain with intercourse and irritation. Prolonged use of these medications, as well as recurrent episodes of Thrush, in severe cases can lead to the wearing away of the vaginal wall and chronic pelvic pain both in the absence of a stimulus as well as with activities such as intercourse.
If you suspect that you have Thrush, the first point of call is to see your GP. If you have any questions regarding Thrush or are suffering from any secondary symptoms then come and see Bonnie, our Women’s Health Physiotherapist at Bend + Mend Physiotherapy in Sydney’s CBD.