A common condition you may have heard of is a Baker’s cyst. Just behind your knee near the top of your calf muscles is a bursa. A Baker’s cyst (aka popliteal cyst) is swelling behind the knee caused by an abnormal increase in the fluid inside this bursa.
Symptoms of a Baker’s cyst can include:
- pronounced swelling behind the knee
- increased pressure sensation in the back of the knee joint
- a tight sensation at the back of the knee
- pain or a dull ache behind the knee and upper calf – felt most with knee bending or straightening
- reduced mobility of the knee joint due to the swelling
Causes of a Baker’s cyst can include:
- torn meniscus (cartilage in the knee)
- trauma to the knee which causes an increase in swelling/fluid in the knee
- arthritis or inflammatory conditions
- infection
- idiopathic or unknown reasons
Treatment of a Baker’s cyst:
Baker’s cyst will sometimes not require any treatment and can resolve on their own. If however the Baker’s cyst does not resolve easily and requires treatment, treatment is usually aimed at addressing the underlying cause of the cyst. Your Physio can assess your knee to determine the underlying reason for the Baker’s Cyst.
- physiotherapy treatment can help to maintain knee mobility and strength, as well as assist with mobility by providing crutches if the knee requires reduced weight bearing
- compression bandages / ice
- medication can be used to treat arthritic and inflammatory conditions
- cortisone injections can be use to reduced inflammation in the knee joint
- aspirating (draining) the fluid from the cyst
- avoiding activities that aggravate the cyst and the knee
- surgery may be required in severe cases
If left untreated a few complications of a Baker’s cysts may include:
- an increase in growth of the cyst with associated symptoms
- the cyst may extend into the calf muscle
- the cyst could rupture
If you’re struggling with an injury, or think you have a Baker’s cyst and are not sure of the underlying cause, be sure to have it assessed by one of our Bend + Mend Physiotherapists today for a thorough assessment and treatment session.